GOST 17679-80 Type 8.9 Lightweight clamps for fastening pipelines and cables | Zavod mir
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Home > Product Catalog > Clamps > GOST > GOST 17679-80 Type 8.9 Lightweight clamps for fastening pipelines and cables

Clamps in accordance with GOST 17679-80 – the design of this product consists of a metal tape bent in to grip the required surfaces with holes in the ends of the tape for clamping by means of fastening the nut and bolt (screw), they can be used to fasten pipelines of various diameters, lines and systems on walls and ceilings.

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GOST 17679-80 Type 4 Lightweight clamps for fastening pipelines and cables.

Clamps according to GOST 17679-80 – the design of this product consists of a metal tape bent into to grip the required surfaces with holes in the ends of the tape for clamping by means of fastening the nut and bolt (screw), they can be used to fasten pipelines of various diameters, lines and systems on walls and ceilings.

Description of the design of the product, its features

The structure of the clamp consists of a tape with holes in the ends.

Material of manufacture: from steel grades 25, 12X18H10T.

Coating of the clamps with zinc, chrome, nickel, cadmium, etc. is performed in our own electroplating workshop. A multilayer coating is also available, such as copper-nickel (MN) or copper-nickel-chromium (MNX.6). After such processing, the clamps serve reliably in corrosive environments.

GOST 17679-80.pdf

An example of a symbol for a clamp of type VIII, 28 mm in diameter, made of L63 brass:

Clamp TKVIII-28-L63 GOST 17679-80

An example of a symbol for a clamp of type IX, 10 mm in diameter, made of polyethylene 20908-040. < / p>

Clamp KIX-10-209 GOST 17679-80

Application areas

These clamps are used in many industries. An increased demand for products, in particular, is observed in the aircraft and machine-building industries, as well as in construction, energy and metalworking, where such clamps are used for reliable pipelines of various systems to walls and ceilings.




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